2022 Halloween
What a great season, starting with just a few random lighting effects for Halloween that was not timed to music, but we that didn’t stop us from having a driveway full of kids and adults taking video and selfies in front of the house! Being the warmest Halloween I can remember in years didn’t hurt either. It was great meeting so many neighbors in person and the outpouring of support for Mr. Creed’s Lights from kids and kids-at-heart!
The Pandora playlist I had worked on all year paid off with several comments on “how cool” the 49 song playlist was! Bonus was I never heard the same song twice all night as I handed out candy. 🙂 A BIG thanks to my buddy Eric in the Minne-snow-ta Light Show Enthusiasts “mini” for getting me a deal on the ION Pathfinder 280 outdoor bluetooth speaker!
2022 Christmas
The outpouring of support from visitors of Mr. Creed’s Light Show was overhelming this Christmas season including:
- Adults and children from different cars dancing in the street on Christmas night.
- Having car loads of folks roll down their windows hollering and applauding as I walked down the driveway.
- Getting Christmas card with beautiful handwritten note and a yummy Chipolte gift card!
- Unexpected 5-Star reviews on Google Maps which launched Mr. Creed’s Lights to the #1 search ranking for “Albertville Light Show” on Google!
- Several supportive e-mails.
- Conversations with so many folks as I parked at my neighbors house this year and often struck up conversation with folks walking to and from my car.
2021 Christmas
I want to take a moment to thank a few folks that added additional inspiration in 2021. A short time ago in a neighborhood close, close by… Zoey Z. (age 15) lives in a nearby neighborhood. I first saw Zoey when she brought a
bunch of her friends to view the light show from the sidewalk. I must admit I was a bit dumbfounded what a bunch of teenagers were doing standing on a cold, snowy sidewalk in front of my house. Later we found out by sheer luck that Zoey’s mom works at the same pharmacy with my wife. Zoey’s mom tells us she insists anyone driving her anywhere stop by to experience Mr. Creed’s Lights. Zoey, your “Light Show Fanatic” shirt is on the way!
On Halloween I was a bit rushed and scattered brained, wife was sick, and I was in charge of handing out candy while also messing with the light show to turn the house a festive orange color… I ran out of candy very early only 90 minutes in we’d already had 70 trick-or-treaters. So I’ll apologize up front for not getting their names, but wanted to say THANK YOU anyway….
- The two teenage girls who went out of their way to tell me how much they enjoy the light show and that in 2020 they would visit three times a week to watch the show! Lady’s you have no idea how much that means to me. In July 2020 I was let go from my employer of 14 years and I used some of the free time to convert the light show to RGB Pixels which I had bought in January during the pre-season sale. In a pandemic year when it felt like nothing was going right, it felt good having a sense of purpose and being able to spread holiday cheer with an even better light show.
- Now for the EGO BOOST of the YEAR Award (if there is such a thing)… goes out to the young man who walked up my driveway on Halloween as I was frantically trying to turn off the lights because I’d just ran out of candy. Twice I said, “Sorry, I just ran out of candy” but this young man just kept coming. He said, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m not here for the candy” which totally caught my attention. “I’m here to meet the man! The man behind the cool lights!” I was totally caught off gaurd, and speechless (for those of you who know me this is rare). Peeps when your an old guy and some young guy tells you they’re here to “meet the man” that’s got to be the best compliment ever! #MicDrop
I’ve raised four children who are now adults themselves and I will tell you it was not lost on me how strange it is to get a compliment from a teenager, let alone four different teenagers!
Thank you to Nikki DD for my first official piece of fan mail, errr, fan e-mail! I’m glad you enjoyed the show and it meant a lot you took time to write.
I also want to say THANK YOU to my neighbors who shouted inspiration from the sidewalk as they walked by saying things like “So excited” and “Can’t wait to see the show this year!” It meant a lot after taking on building a Mega-Tree and Leaping Light Arches both in the same year!