The HinksPix Pro controllers have a built-in light show player that will play lighting sequences and audio created in xLights software. This page goes over how to use the Tools / HInksPix Export feature in xLights which makes configuring the Hinks show player easy to do.
- Before you use the Hinks Show Player you need to configure your light show in xLights, upload the configuration to the controller, and test your lights are working properly. This is accomplished by hooking up the HInksPix to your xLights computer via an Ethernet cable. The details of this are beyond the scope of this tutorial.
- Prior to setting up the Hinks Show Player you also need to have 20 fps (50 ms) sequence(s) mapped and rendered as .FSEQ file(s) within your xLights show directory or a location where xLights can find them.